Providing you with the tools to be confident in your breastfeeding journey.

I am an RN and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in private practice and I have been working with breastfeeding mothers since 1995.  My own journey began when I experienced challenges breastfeeding my firstborn, and in the process I discovered a passion for supporting mothers throughout their breastfeeding journeys. Over the years I have broadened my education with specialized training in Holistic Lactation and now specialize in herbal support for low milk supply, and oral assessment and mechanics of breastfeeding. I can help you in whatever stage you find yourself in, from preparing to breastfeed prenatally, establishing feeding in the postpartum period, to the toddler years and beyond.

Hi, I’m Kerri!

A holistic approach goes into more depth around diet, nutrition, the microbiome, herbs and supplements and their impact on milk supply and the overall breastfeeding experience. I offer compassionate, evidence based care balanced with the art of breastfeeding that will help you achieve your unique breastfeeding goals.

A Holistic Approach

Specializing in…

Low Milk Supply

Following a thorough evaluation of breastfeeding mechanics, my additional training in herbal galactagogues and holistic support can be used to maximise milk supply.  From a holistic perspective it is important to discern where your system may need extra support. 

Latch Technique

Breastfeeding should be comfortable and pain free.   Evaluation of positioning and latch techniques can make a big difference in maintaining breastfeeding and reaching your goals.  Reassurance for what is normal can be a huge help!


Breastfeeding Mechanics/ Oral Evaluation

It is important to understand the function of the tongue/lip and mechanics of breastfeeding in a latching baby.  I work with many babies with tethered oral tissues and assist families to make a plan to address these issues comprehensively.  

Fussy Babies/ Reflux

Most breastfeeding mothers do not need to eat a special diet, although eating a wide variety of nutrient dense foods supports both Mom and Baby.  When babies are fussy, and have reflux, a thorough dietary evaluation, microbiome support and supplements can often make a difference.

Prenatal Preparations

Important tips to get off to a good start and support initiation of breastfeeding. If you have a history of issues with breastfeeding we can make a plan to support you for your next baby.  


Get support from Kerri today.